Every time I hear this song:
I picture someone like this:
Dancing and mumble-singing the song to himself. Minus the creepy bee head. You know how I feel about those...
I dropped my phone. Down a flight of stairs. Made of concrete. Outside. After dark. And I located it almost instantly to find that it had only one scratch on the side. It is otherwise in perfect condition. It was a miracle.
There is a "sculpture" on campus between the Museum of Art and the Fine Arts building that makes me giggle almost every time I walk past it. It is a giant black block adorned with a flaming stainless steel mustache entitled "Self Portrait." Oh, what's that? You don't believe me? Feast your eyes on THIS:

And we all know how I feel about mustaches. This may be an attempt at serious art, but to me it's kind of an ugly joke. Especially when people roast marshmallows on it. Because don't worry, its been done.
My family has a new puppy named Lady. Short for Lady GaGa. And she ADORES me.
That's all.
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