Why on earth is it, that when I look like absolute caca guys pay attention to me? I am not being stupid right now. I am not fishing for any "oh you never look like caca" comments. So don't leave any or I will slay you. I am just saying. Honestly. Truly. I was a gross looking girl today. My dirty hair was in a ponytail, I was wearing absolutely no makeup, and I may or may not have been wearing the same shirt / sweater combo I wore to church yesterday. I was Josie Grossie to the fullest. And today. TODAY of all days, this kid in my religion class decides to strike up a conversation with me.

I have had a minor I-don't-know-you-but-I-like-to-look-at-you crush on him all semester. Why today? WHY?
And he walked me out of class. And held the door for me. And all sorts of gentlemanly things like that. Is it 0pposite day!? Did the world start turning the wrong direction while I was catnapping between work and school? Was there possibly some kind of solar flare? Did Satan open a popsicle stand? Why did he pick the worst day in the history of me ever being cute to talk to me?
There are some things in this world I will just never understand.
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