For the last 4 days in a row I have been getting back into the work out groove, and trying to eat
healthier. This is a team effort. Michelle and I work out every day at the gym. Every Day! I know right?! Its great. And I bought a bunch of Wal-Mart brand Slimfast and a ton of Lean Cuisines. Ya ya... commercial and processed, but its a hellofalot better for me than the fast food kick I've been on for the last month. The moral of the story is: I'm feeling healthier already. Chubby still? Yes. And I don't care. I prefer the term curvaceous.
This is probably my favorite Slimfast ad of all time.
"Need to lose a little weight before your wedding?"
p.s. NO I'm no where close to getting married. I just think the ad is wickedly funny.
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