So. There's this guy in my ward. And he has an almost fiance, and he is always missing in action for ward functions. So tonight at ward prayer, this guy was there. And so, we had our ward prayer and ward spotlight and the "service chicken". The service chicken is a rubber chicken we pass around the ward and whoever has the chicken that week has to do some extra service and then share it at ward prayer. Weird. We also have a missionary egg to the same effect. I don't know what the obsession with poultry is. Anyway. Back to the awkward.
After everyone started wandering back to the apartment in charge of providing treats, the people behind me were having a heart to heart, and then Mr. Always Missing from church functions said aloud:
"Ya, so I dumped her on Tuesday!"
Me: "What?" as I whirled around, obviously eavesdropping.
Guy: Blank Stare.
Me: Realizing that Guy and I had never really talked to eachother. I only heard stories of his fiance from his roommates.
Guy: "What?"
Me Again: "Oh what? Nevermind." as I turned around and continued toward the treats.
Awkward. Party of fifteen. It was awesome.
After everyone started wandering back to the apartment in charge of providing treats, the people behind me were having a heart to heart, and then Mr. Always Missing from church functions said aloud:
"Ya, so I dumped her on Tuesday!"
Me: "What?" as I whirled around, obviously eavesdropping.
Guy: Blank Stare.
Me: Realizing that Guy and I had never really talked to eachother. I only heard stories of his fiance from his roommates.
Guy: "What?"
Me Again: "Oh what? Nevermind." as I turned around and continued toward the treats.
Awkward. Party of fifteen. It was awesome.
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