Tuesday, June 28, 2011

job fails - You So Silly
see more Monday Through Friday

I really don't think I could love this any more than I already do.

Several Matters of Business

1. Someone hacked my debit card account .... and tried to buy vitamins with it online for $20.99. What the crap? You couldn't think of anything cooler or more expensive to buy with my money? It didn't go through, because you were owned by the fraud department at Zions Bank, but still. Vitamins?


Actually... after some research... the site it was purchased on is some crazy spyware/malware situation. Whatever. I just want to picture some dumbdumb trying to buy expensive vitamins.

2. I neeeeeeeed to buy a car but I don't like the idea of getting a car loan. If anyone knows someone who needs to get rid of an old nasty car .... I will take it off your hands. As long as it runs. And if it's free....

3. I started working full time again and woooweeee it is slooooooow in our office. It's killing me.

4. I went running this morning. It was sad. I stopped after a half of a mile. I'm super out of shape... but can I just say that the first time I EVER went running I didn't even make it two blocks? A half a mile is six blocks my friend. Okay today I ran five. Whatever.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Quote of the Day

"If that's the cream of the crop, you need to move to another farm."


"He is such a corpse to me."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Skunkard's Eulogy

Skunkard was born in Japan. He immigrated to the United States in 1984 where he lived a long fulfilling life. First owned by Grandpa Booth, he was ceremoniously handed down through the Booth Family dynasty through Brion Booth to his last frequent driver, Kristin Booth. He is survived by 3 other Booth family vehicles, and preceded in death by the Station Wagon, The Stinky Car, and Brown Datsun. Skunkard was a good truck. I can't say he wasn't a quitter, because he gave up every 5 or so years toward the end of his life. Time after time, Papa Booth refused to accept Skunkard's resignation, and after much mechanical reluctance Skunkard would resume his duties as a small nasty truck. Skunkard, you will be missed. I cried when you died. I will remember fondly the times we had together, and I will especially miss the way precipitation leaked through every fiber of your being. Rest in peace, nasty-nast. I hope you enjoy that big dump in the sky, where you will eternally be carting leaves and branches back and forth for eternity. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.